For the self insured and the payer
Personal pharmacist advice in every patient-doctor interaction at a fraction of the cost, providing safe and personally tailored medication to:
Cost reductions due to medicine optimization, reduced re-visits, lab work, urgent care visits, and hospital admissions.
Reduction in clinician burnout, freeing up time and focusing on patient interaction time.
Protection against malpractice lawsuits
Better medicine ensures patient safety and quality of service
Reduce clinician-patient idle interaction time
Electronic Medical Record Plug-in. Not another full-scale IT project
Precision Medication enabled - Further cost saving and optimization, ask us how

For the Healthcare Institution
Provide a virtual pharmacist to all clinicians at a fraction of the cost.
Maximize your “Value-Based Care” savings by reducing medication, hospitalizations, readmissions, re-visits, ER visits, & Lab expenses.
Reduce Medical Malpractice Claims
Improve patient service
Reduce clinician-patient idle interaction time
Electronic Medical Record Plug-in. Not another full-scale IT project
Enter the Precision Medication Era at the point of care

For the Medical Officer / Clinicain
Prescription level calculation & reduction of “Alert Load” by 94%!
98% Alert accuracy compared to current systems
24/7 guardian, every lab result is thoroughly screened, and the clinician is alerted for any medication-related hazard due to changes in patient factors.
Reduce Clinician idle time when with a patient
Save money on lab work, medication, office re-visits, urgent care visits, and hospital admissions.
50% of clinicians change prescription behavior for the better in under 3 months
Continue to work as is - just faster and safer - No workflow changes are required
Performance effectiveness matrix using BI
Alternative Drug Mechanism - saves time by providing the right alternative drug
Diests to avoid, shared side effects, and simulation
Precision medication enabled

For the Patient
Patient-tailored medication
Improved quality of life by de-risking illness.
Improved quality of service, reduced lab and visit times, and receiving diets to avoid recommendations
Reduce out-of-pocket pay.
Utilizing Precision Medication module – optimization of drugs/illness.