For the self insured and the payer

Personal pharmacist advice in every patient-doctor interaction at a fraction of the cost, providing safe and personally tailored medication to:

  • Cost reductions due to medicine optimization, reduced re-visits, lab work, urgent care visits, and hospital admissions.

  • Reduction in clinician burnout, freeing up time and focusing on patient interaction time.

  • Protection against malpractice lawsuits

  • Better medicine ensures patient safety and quality of service

  • Reduce clinician-patient idle interaction time

  • Electronic Medical Record Plug-in. Not another full-scale IT project

  • Precision Medication enabled - Further cost saving and optimization, ask us how

For the Healthcare Institution

  • Provide a virtual pharmacist to all clinicians at a fraction of the cost.

  • Maximize your “Value-Based Care” savings by reducing medication, hospitalizations, readmissions, re-visits, ER visits, & Lab expenses.

  • Reduce Medical Malpractice Claims

  • Improve patient service

  • Reduce clinician-patient idle interaction time

  • Electronic Medical Record Plug-in. Not another full-scale IT project

  • Enter the Precision Medication Era at the point of care

For the Medical Officer / Clinicain

  • Prescription level calculation & reduction of “Alert Load” by 94%!

  • 98% Alert accuracy compared to current systems

  • 24/7 guardian, every lab result is thoroughly screened, and the clinician is alerted for any medication-related hazard due to changes in patient factors.

  • Reduce Clinician idle time when with a patient

  • Save money on lab work, medication, office re-visits, urgent care visits, and hospital admissions.

  • 50% of clinicians change prescription behavior for the better in under 3 months

  • Continue to work as is - just faster and safer - No workflow changes are required

  • Performance effectiveness matrix using BI

  • Alternative Drug Mechanism - saves time by providing the right alternative drug

  • Diests to avoid, shared side effects, and simulation

  • Precision medication enabled

For the Patient

  • Patient-tailored medication

  • Improved quality of life by de-risking illness.

  • Improved quality of service, reduced lab and visit times, and receiving diets to avoid recommendations

  • Reduce out-of-pocket pay.

  • Utilizing Precision Medication module – optimization of drugs/illness.