Partner Opportunity
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Promoting the world’s most advanced engine designed to prevent Drug-to-Drug & Drug-to-Patient-related interaction problems and risks.

98% accuracy, 94% decrease in alert load, personalized alerts, and 24X7 protection

Why Partner with Seegnal?
Unlock Revenue, Innovation, and Market Leadership

  • Recurring revenue opportunities from licenses, IT & consulting services, and even clinical services if desired

  • Innovative thought leadership topics for clients, such as precision medication, the future of medication, etc.

  • Reduction in TCO and ongoing costs for your customers

  • For EMR providers, an easy one-time white-label integration will provide an unmatched value proposition compared to the competition.

  • Precision Medication leadership a step ahead of the competition

  • Massive benefits in cost-saving and life-saving for healthcare organizations.

A massive problem you
can help resolve

Clinicians, Pharmacists, and supporting medical staff require clinical decision-making support when prescribing multiple medications in order to avoid the many optional drug/patient conflicts and their devastating effects.

The DRP space is desperate for technological modernization that adapts personalization, eliminates “Alert Fatigue,” and proactively assists clinicians in prescribing safe personal-tailored medication.

Partner with Seegnal